Publications / 2015 Proceedings of the 32nd ISARC, Oulu, Finland

Integration of Smart Glass Technology for Information Exchange at Construction Sites

Sungwoo Moon, Jongwon Seo
Pages 1-2 (2015 Proceedings of the 32nd ISARC, Oulu, Finland, ISBN 978-951-758-597-2, ISSN 2413-5844)

The Google glass is a next generation technology for information management. This technology has a great chance of advancing information exchange at construction sites. When Google glass is applied to construction management, the application can free construction supervisors from the burden of holding paper documents such as drawing and manuals or IT devices such as tablets. The Construction System Laboratory at Pusan National University is currently working of the application of a Google glass for construction management. The objective of this paper is to introduce the feasibility of Google glass application in information exchange at construction sites. In this paper, a prototype system is presented to show the effectiveness of hands-off information management when the Google glass is integrated into construction management.

Keywords: Smart glass application, Google Glass, Information exchange, Safety monitoring Instructions; Authors; ISARC 2015