Publications / 2020 Proceedings of the 37th ISARC, Kitakyushu, Japan
Falls are the leading cause of construction site accidents and made up more than 60 percent of all construction-related deaths in 2018, according to the Korea Occupational Health and Safety Administration (KOSHA). Accordingly, the government conducts intensive management and supervision of scaffolding and scaffolding installation at small sites while inducing safe working environments through support for system scaffolding installation. However, the timing of scaffolding installation for external work varies by site, and visiting inspections of more than 400,000 sites annually are practically limited. In particular, in the case of small sites, the work is often carried out with a high risk of falling accidents due to installation or defects that do not comply with KOSHA rule and the occurrence of accidents is frequently reported. To solve these limitations, information on whether the right amount of scaffolding has been purchased and installed at the right time according to the size and shape of each site needs to be managed by a systematic method. In this paper, we propose a framework for verifying the adequacy of the installation of scaffolding needed at the individual construction site using blockchain technology. The system provide Dapp, an application that runs on the block chain server, so that General contract (GC) and Supplier can enter information related to ordering and procurement of scaffolding. The core information required to determine the adequacy of scaffolding installation is stored in a non-modifiable form using the distributed ledger storage technology of the block chain. As a result, scaffolding installation adequacy can be automatically verified through the algorithms that can compare the installation schedule and quantity calculation with the actually purchased quantity. It is anticipated that using the proposed framework, government agencies can identify the safety levels of individual sites without on-site visits.