Publications / 1999 Proceedings of the 16th ISARC, Madrid, Spain

Design for Reliability of the Construction Robot Using Genetic Algorithm

A. M. McCrea, G. J. Bleakley
Pages 611-616 (1999 Proceedings of the 16th ISARC, Madrid, Spain, ISSN 2413-5844)

Construction robot design for reliability is of particular importance due to the robots interaction with the environment and high level of human involvement, which impose additional safety hazards. Many methods tools and approaches exist, however none offers full and exhaustive reliability analysis or the given system. Research presented in this paper links the dynamic modelling of a system (using VisSim software) with Genetic Algorithm as a search and optimisation tool to increase effectiveness of the reliability assessment, in a reduced time. The combined model is capable of analysing a complex system, for combinations of failure modes in combinations of components and sub-systems, which lead to system failure, in a manageable time. This in turn allows the system to be re-designed, to avoid the prospective risk of malfunction or undetected failure.

Keywords: Design for Reliability:Dynamic Modelling:Genetic Algorithms. Construction Robot