Publications / 1992 Proceedings of the 9th ISARC, Tokyo, Japan

Development of an Advanced Way of Improvement of the Maneuverability of a Backhoe Machine

Eiji Nakano, Koutaro Kayaba, Naozumi Tsuda, Hiroshi Kimura, Sumio Okuda, Kenichi Inoue, Takuji Matsukawa
Pages 215-222 (1992 Proceedings of the 9th ISARC, Tokyo, Japan, ISSN 2413-5844)

The operation of a backhoe machine requires great skill. Construction industries have a lot of problems because of the shortage of skilled workers, and the backhoe operator shortage is typical and most severe example. A new method to operate a backhoe is proposed in this paper. A new type of master operational unit has developed to co troll the position and velocity of the bucket instead of the conventional type lever using the new master unit even an inexperienced operator can control the machine very easily. The operator also can feel some force applied to the bucket bilaterally. That enables the unskilled operator to execute a good work level for a complicated backhoe task.

Keywords: Robotized backhoe; new operational master unit; bilateral master-slave control; electoro-hydraulic mechanism
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