1993 Proceedings of the 10th ISARC, Houston, USA
Masahiro Morita, Eijji Muro, Tetsuo Kanaiwa, Hiroyuki Nishimura
Pages 1-8
Abstract: In the construction industry, both construction and management technology have been developed, as well as industrization, automation. However, many problems were found in the process of applying such technologies for each construction projects in which it is required to move to the different work place and forced to construct at ...
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B. Vincent Viscomi, William D. Michalerya, Le-Wu Lu
Pages 9-16
Abstract: The AIBS (ATLSS Integrated Building Systems) program was developed to coordinate on-going research projects in automated construction and connections systems. The objective of this program is to design, fabricate, erect, and evaluate cost-effective building systems with a focus on providing a computer integrated approach to these activities. A family of ...
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Takehito Tezuka, Hiroo Takada
Pages 17-22
Abstract: The important subject that the construction industry should be accomplished today and in the future is in the rationalization of the construction processes and how to improve the labor-intensiveness of construction sites.
The authors have carried out research on the rationalization of the construction of a structure having a long-span ...
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Thomas Bock, Friedrich Gebhart, Werner Steck
Pages 23-30
Abstract: The presented robotic system is based on the idea of Computer Integrated Construction (CIC). This means the integration of all trades and processes from architectural planning to execution of construction work. It contains computer aided design and computer aided generation of robot programs, custom made prefabrication of small building components ...
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Yuji Hirabayashi
Pages 31-38
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to examine current and future trends in the use of automation technology at advanced construction sites. At the start of this study, we established basic concepts to enable a working group to share a common understanding of construction automation. Based on these concepts, research ...
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Sy-Jye Guo and R.L. Tucker
Pages 39-46
Abstract: There is consensus among researchers that identification of automation needs is necessary for any further hardware developments. To accomplish this goal, a clear division of automation levels, a comprehensive breakdown of construction activities to task levels, and a method for measuring automation concern are essential. This paper presents an automation ...
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Lauri Koskela
Pages 47-54
Abstract: In manufacturing, great gains in performance have been realized by a new production philosophy, which leads to lean production. This new production philosophy is a generalization of such partial approaches as JIT, TQM, time-based competition, and concurrent engineering. In construction, lean production is little known. The concepts, principles and methods ...
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Ting-Ya Hsieh, Carl T. Haas
Pages 55-62
Abstract: Large-Scale Manipulators (LSMs) are gaining attention in construction automation research because of their long reach and positioning capabilities. A case study based on the Model Plant data compiled by the Construction Industry Institute indicates that LSMs have very high potential in industrial construction. They can be used for pipe, cable ...
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Yngve Alvarsson, Larissa Molina
Pages 63-70
Abstract: The modern attempt in the construction industry is to reduce and replace heavy labor and messy activities with ergonomic methods. Placing and compaction of fresh concrete on a building site is one of such areas. Today it is difficult to recruit young people for this kind of work. For the ...
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Kazuya Kikawada, Shigeaki Ashikaga, Seiichirou Ishikawa and Shigeomi Nishigaki
Pages 71-75
Abstract: Hazama Corporation, the Japan Ceramic Tile Association and Komatsu Ltd. have been and are developing tile-setting robots to automatize the process of tile-setting operations on the exterior wall of building. This paper describes an improved tile-setting robot and reports the observations in the indoor and outdoor experiments of its operations.
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Masaaki Iwamoto, Masayoshi Nakagawa, Hidetoshi Oda
Pages 77-84
Abstract: This system, referred to as a "shuttle system," has been developed to enable the vertical sliding and subsequent installation of panels on the exterior walls of a building, starting from its uppermost story, while repeating a series of such operations as (1) sliding a carrier stage down to the ground, ...
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G. Pritschow, M. Dalacker, J. Kurz
Pages 85-92
Abstract: The dramatic shortage of skilled workers and a strong need of improving productivity and efficiency characterizes the situation of masonry construction in Germany today. Therefore, the construction enterprises affected must strengthen their efforts to develop and introduce automation technology for use on the construction site. Such concepts, however, can only ...
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N.A. Armstrong, P.R. Moore, R.H. Weston
Pages 93-100
Abstract: Crane and hoist systems can potentially benefit from contemporary advances made in electronics based enabling technologies and control systems engineering. This paper describes the design and implementation of a modular distributed control system for crane and hoist automation in manufacturing and construction. The distributed control platform has been realised using ...
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P.S. Dunston, L.E. Bernold
Pages 101-108
Abstract: Computers are becoming essential tools for integrating design, planning, fabrication, and construction. Computer-controlled construction equipment are poised to receive information from data generated in the design phase. The robotic execution of construction operations, however, depends on complex models for autonomous and intelligent control. This paper discusses the implementation of a ...
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LiLi Zhang, D.A. Bradley, D.W Seward
Pages 109-116
Abstract: A number of mathematical and analytical tools are available to assist in risk assessment for industrial and other robots. This paper is concerned with the use of a hazard and operability study (HAZOP) methodology to analyse the range of hazardous conditions and to assess the degree of risk associated with ...
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Fiorenzo Malaguti
Pages 117-123
Abstract: The automation and robotics for earth moving machines were introduced to reduce labor cost and increase machines performances, the increment of position accuracy of the excavator bucket obtained by laser and/or automatic control systems meets both objects.
Experimental tests and simulations have shown excavating accuracy to be about two centimeters, ...
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Keith D. Hampson and C.B. Tatum
Pages 125-132
Abstract: Automation technology can provide construction firms with a number of competitive advantages. Technology strategy guides a firms approach to all technology, including automation. A more formal approach to the concept of technology strategy can benefit the construction manager in his efforts to remain competitive in increasingly hostile markets. This paper ...
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Cecily Neil, Gustav Salomonsson, Miroslaw Skibniewski
Pages 133-140
Abstract: This paper presents a model for managers to use to assess the feasibility of robotising particular tasks on a construction site. A case study illustrates the applications of the model with respect to the use of concreting robots on a construction project. This case study highlights the importance of taking ...
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Jae-Jeung Rho, Deborah J. Fisher, Michael W. O'Neill
Pages 141-148
Abstract: Methodology for the economic justification of automated technology has already been developed in the manufacturing arena. This paper discusses the modifications required for application of this methodology to the construction industry. Modifications are necessary due to the industrys conservative nature in adapting new technology, the fact that the construction process ...
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K. Saito, S. Obayashi
Pages 149-156
Abstract: In recent years there has been an increase in the amount of soil removed from construction sites. Factors contributing to this trend include a steady expansion in construction demand, larger structures, and greater use of underground spaces. In urban areas such as Greater Tokyo, processing of the residual soil from ...
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B.L. Atkin, P. Atkinson, C. Bridgewater, B.L. Davies and R.D. Wing
Pages 157-164
Abstract: One of the fundamental lessons learnt by manufacturing industry was that assembly tasks must be redesigned to suit the strengths and weaknesses of machines vis a vis human workers. The basic principles of Design for Automation and Design for Assembly can be applied to construction tasks in order to improve ...
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C. Balaguer, F.J. Rodriguez, J.M. Pastor, R. Aracil, A. Barrientos, E.A. Puente, J. Florez, M.Esteban, J.A. Comas, E. Marquez
Pages 165-171
Abstract: This paper presents a robotized system that produces high quality GRC panels in an automatic way. The system is installed in a Dragados y Construcciones factory near Zaragoza. The input of the system are the 3D AUTOCAD drawings of the panels. The output of the system are the robots paths, ...
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Iwao Uchizaki, Yasuaki Uchida
Pages 173-180
Abstract: Fireproofing material spraying is one of the labor intensive construction works under inferior working environment. Toward improvement of the working surroundings as well as the work efficiency, a semi-automatic fireproof material spraying robot has been experimentally constructed. It features a double-nozzle design and a man-machine cooperative system. Small-scale spraying tests ...
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Khalid A.H. Taher, Bakr M. Binladin, Fuad A. Rihani, Mahmud Rasch
Pages 181-188
Abstract: The King Fahds extension of the Prophets Holy Mosque in Madinah, Saudi Arabia, is the largest and most complex addition in the Mosque history. One of the most innovative features in this landmark project remains to be the unique twenty seven sliding domes, 18m x 18m each, covering its twenty ...
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A. Nishi, H. Miyagi
Pages 189-196
Abstract: Use of a wall-climbing robot for inspection or maintenance of wall surfaces has been anticipated for a long time. Three quite different models have been developed in our laboratory. The present model can move on a wall by using the thrust force of a propeller and can fly whenever it ...
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Matthew Cusack, Terence Fogarty
Pages 197-203
Abstract: This paper describes the further development of earlier work on wall climbing robots and recent research on the development of control systems, to enable the robots to learn the best strategies for climbing and carrying out various inspection and maintenance tasks on civil engineering and building structures.
There are three ...
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N.R. Bevan, A.A. Collie, B.L. Luk, T.S. White
Pages 205-212
Abstract: This paper describes the latest developments to Robug IIs and in particular the modifications and additions to its sensor system and how this has helped to increase its autonomy in unstructured environments. The configuration of Robug IIs local intelligence is described along with the system for control of each leg. ...
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Toshihiko Aoki, Takahiko Kimura, Kazuhiro Momozaki, Aketo Suzuki
Pages 213-220
Abstract: Recently, CAD research has concentrated on shifting CAD systems from the traditional line based structure to a more intelligent and object oriented structure. Most work in this area, however, has concentrated on developing applications for design work, leaving construction phase applications largely ignored. The authors of this paper have begun ...
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Naruo Kano
Pages 221-228
Abstract: This paper proposes a semantic structure representing construction operations with advanced equipment and robotics and a methodology to implement it as a knowledgebase for planning and controlling the operations.
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D.A. Chamberlain, S. Akrawi, J. Watson
Pages 229-236
Abstract: An experimental robot cell is being used to investigate the enabling technology for a masonry tasking robot. A CAD/CAM facility has been devised by which wall designs are translated into the robots theoretical task. However, this cannot be directly implemented without real-time adjustments derived from sensors. A further complication is ...
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Amr A. Oloufa
Pages 237-244
Abstract: In the course of improving the efficiency of building construction activities, the application of discrete event simulation tools may be extremely beneficial. Simulation is used to evaluate construction scenarios and allows the construction manager to evaluate between alternatives. Selection of an optimum mix of equipment and crews may also be ...
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Keiko Homma, Tatsuo Arai, Hironori Adachi, Tatsuya Nakamura
Pages 245-252
Abstract: This paper describes the basic research for an underground excavation robot. This robot consists of three system components: the manipulation system, the locomotion system, and the task planning system. In order to keep the operator away from the hazardous worksite, the task should be performed through teleoperation or performed autonomously. ...
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H. Sugiura, S. Yuta, K. Nishide, O. Hatakeyama, S. Nishigaki
Pages 253-260
Abstract: This paper describes an autonomous dump trucks system being developed to overcome worker shortage problems and to prevent accidents in heavy construction sites (i.e., dam construction, road constructions, etc.). The major distinctive functions of this system are:
(1) The autonomous driving function:
-this system enables unmanned dump trucks to autonomously drive at ...
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R. Umeda, H. Ikeda, H. Yasu, Y. Masuyama, Y. Takagi, F. Goto, M. Fukukawa, S. Kinosita, T. Gocho
Pages 261-268
Abstract: Frequent changes in the paving conditions of general roads in japan require considerable labor. This demands a heavy work load and a high level of skill to the asphalt paving operators and screedmen, and also affects the work load of subsequent manual operations, such as shovelling and raking.
In this ...
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Anna McCrea, Denis A. Chamberlain
Pages 269-276
Abstract: There are, as yet, no commercially viable robotic or automation solutions in the field of reinforced concrete bridge inspection, these structures suffering from deterioration of both their concrete and steel reinforcement elements.
In the manual inspection activity for defect diagnosis and repair specification, visual assessment is supplemented by a range ...
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F.J.M. Van Gassel
Pages 277-284
Abstract: On construction site hoist elements are rotated by the hands of assembly workers. This work is dangerous. To get better working circumstances, the elements can be rotated by a machine. On the principle based on Newtons third law action and reaction there is designed and built a machine. The result ...
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Shin Terauchi, Toshikazu Miyajima, Takezo Miyamoto, Kazuhiko Arai, Seiichiro Takizawa
Pages 285-292
Abstract: We developed an exterior wall painting robot for the purpose of automating this painting operation. The robot is mounted on equipment which permits it to move up and down, left and right along the exterior walls of a building. It is computer controlled and activated simply by the operator pressing ...
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T.Y. Hsieh, C. Fulton, G.E. Gibson, C.T. Haas,
Pages 293-300
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to compare the productivity between a prototype pipe manipulator and a telescopic rough-terrain crane in handling pipes in a piping material laydown yard. Productivity data where collected by video-taping identical operations done by two machines in the field. The productivity data are evaluated in ...
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Ting-Ya Hsieh; Dr. Carl T Haas
Pages 301-308
Abstract: This paper describes a model for evaluating the performance of construction manipulators. It involves four steps: (1) constructing the operation plan, (2) evaluating task and machine related parameters, (3) evaluating time components and, (4) total time study. Each of these steps is described in detail, and a hypothetical example is ...
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H. Kurita, T. Tezuka, H. Takada
Pages 309-316
Abstract: The 3-Dimensional Modular Unit Construction System involves constructing a) in fixed cycle time using b) 3-D Modular Unit Building Blocks which are assembled at a c) factory automated staging area on the jobsite prior to be lifted into place on the building. This system has great potential to facilitate the ...
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Yukio Hasegawa, Takumi Onoda, Kinya Tamaki, Zhu Yuwn
Pages 317-325
Abstract: The research and development of modularized robot are indispensable to successful introduction of robot into building construction, which includes a great many job types. As the first start of modularized robot research, we previously presented a conceptual design framework, data collection and analysis techniques, and key technologies to be developed ...
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Koshy Varghese, James T. O'Connor
Pages 325-332
Abstract: The use of prefabrication to enhance constructability necessitates careful planning for access of the prefabricated modules within a construction site. Current planning tools are inadequate for representing the integrated information required for planning access. Hence developing a reliable plan using these tools is time consuming. This paper presents a computerized ...
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N.S. McPhater
Pages 333-340
Abstract: Close range photogrammetric measurement is a proven method for the mapping of industrial structures and has been widely employed within the process plant and nuclear industries. Unfortunately the radiological conditions encountered within active parts of many nuclear installations may severely contain any measurement system which depends on photo-chemical imaging. ...
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A. D. Nease, E. F. Alexander
Pages 341-347
Abstract: The air force has several unique requirements that are being met through the development of construction robotic technology. The mission associated with these requirements place construction/repair equipment operators in potentially harmful situations. Additionally, force reductions require that human resources be leveraged to the maximum extent possible and more stringent construction ...
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Ronald Krom, Ruud Kloek, Charles Vos
Pages 347-354
Abstract: TNO Building and Construction Research is developing an autonomous drilling robot. This robot is to be used for drilling holes for anchor bolts which fasten rail to concrete slabs. Special features of the drilling robot are: its high precision and the relative large diameter of the holes it can drill. ...
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X. D. Huang, L. E. Bernold
Pages 355-362
Abstract: Excavation of solid and rock is a high volume and repetitive construction operation. Research in robotic excavation has been focusing mainly on path planning and path control. Very little is known about how to detect and handle underground obstacles such as rocks or utility lines robotically. This paper introduces a ...
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Toru Uchino, Junichi Narisawa, Yuhei Sato, Koji Kumazawa
Pages 363-370
Abstract: Today, in big cities of Japan such as Tokyo, a number of urban renewal and infrastructure development projects are on. Because of restrictive work site conditions in urban areas, such as overhead roads or railways, compact construction machines with high mobility are favored. To meet this need, we developed a ...
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Kazuhiko Arai
Pages 371-378
Abstract: The purpose of the study is to indicate the future direction of automation technology as applied to rationalization of building construction. To achieve this purpose, we administered questionnaires to building engineers who had on-site experience with advanced construction technologies. We where thus able to clarify the approach we should take ...
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Fumio Shintani, Masaki Yamamoto
Pages 379-382
Abstract: At The ninth ISARC held in Tokyo, we introduced thirteen construction robots for the building construction being developed by Construction Robots Consortium in Japan. This is the second report to introduce the progress of the development of each robots and the possible program for the robots to be used at ...
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Abraham Warszawski, Yechiel Rosenfeld
Pages 383-390
Abstract: The paper presents results of a feasibility analysis of a robot developed for performance of interior finishing tasks. Productivity and cost of robotized construction is compared with manual construction of the same tasks.
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John G. Everett
Pages 391-397
Abstract: Fundamental cultural differences between industries helps explain why automation and robotics have been successful in manufacturing but have largely failed in construction. In construction there has traditionally been a clear separation between a project design phase and its field operations. In manufacturing engineering design and shop floor fabrication are highly ...
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Min-Yuan Cheng, James T. O'Connor
Pages 399-406
Abstract: This paper focuses on developing an automated site layout system for temporary construction facilities. The site layout of temporary facilities (TF) is an important preplanning task that can either enhance or adversely affect the construction productivity. An efficient TF layout can significantly reduce construction conflicts and improve project efficiency. In ...
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Raghavan Kunigahalli, Jeffrey S. Russell, Miroslaw J. Skibniewski
Pages 407-414
Abstract: Increasing research and development in the area of construction robotics and computer-aided-construction has resulted in large number of automated construction equipment applications. Full potential of such construction equipment can be realized by providing the collision avoidance motion planning capabilities. Models used in motion planning can be categorized into two types: ...
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I. D. Tommelien, P. P. Zouein
Pages 415-422
Abstract: Space scheduling pertains to allocating the work space to resources associated which activates in a schedule as it changes over time. This is an important aspect of materials management in dynamic environments in which many pieces of equipment, crews, and possibly robots move about, as congestion and interference would seriously ...
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Robert F. Sullivan
Pages 423-430
Abstract: Today, the three dimensional (3D) solids modeling design technology and the deployment of integrated relational databases on projects in construction industry have provided the opportunity for advancing the level of achievable integration and automation in the design, construction, and operation of major industrial facilities. The key development has been linking ...
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C.M. Dailey, A.E. Traver, G.L. Wesley, C.T. Haas, J.T. O'Connor
Pages 431-438
Abstract: Surface finishing of large storage tanks represents a typical area in which construction automation techniques can yield significant improvements over conventional methods. Current techniques are costly and laborious, and they expose workers to significant health and safety risks. Automation offers potential improvements in each of these areas and is well ...
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M. D. Austick, S. Thompson
Pages 439-446
Abstract: GEC Alsthom Engineering Systems, Who were required to weld the Main Loop Pipe work as the part of the mechanical erection contract on the sizewell 'B' PWR, where approached by its client to make a significant reduction in the program schedule for this particular task. This paper will describe how, ...
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Laura A. Demsetz, Elisa C. Bass, Eron Ersch, James Ash
Pages 447-454
Abstract: Highway spills of hazardous substances expose emergency response personnel and the public at large to the risk of explosion, fire, and contamination. When the spill is of an unknown substance, response personnel must first determine its identity. Problems of human exposure make automated or remotely controlled sampling and analysis as ...
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Tetsuya Kikuchi, Saloru Miura
Pages 455-462
Abstract: Measurement of the shape of an excavated wall, which is one of the control items in diaphragm wall construction, is an absolute necessity during and after excavation in order to detect local surface collapse of the wall and areas of dissipation, and to control the final form.
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Leon DeVos, Bob Hasara
Pages 463-470
Abstract: In June 1989 CAPSY has been introduced for the first time at the ISARC89 in San Francisco. CAPSY (Computer Aided Positioning SYstem) is intended to be low-cost real-time location toll for construction. Operating in working area with dimensions like 300 by 500 feet it is capable of locating itself to ...
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Mikio Okano, Akimasa Waku, Akira Fujioka, Katuyuki Kikuta
Pages 471-478
Abstract: In this study a new system for earthwork measurements using the Global Positioning System (GPS) has been developed. This paper describes the development of a device to automatically hold an antenna level and a computer program developed for the transformation of coordinates obtained by GPS surveying to the ordinary plane ...
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Tadashi Kanzaki, Shuiti Nishizawa, Hiroshi Toida
Pages 479-486
Abstract: In Japan, many large projects have been undertaken such as the 513-hectare artificial island of Kansai International Airport and the about 1,000-hectare offshore development project of Haneda International Airport. In case of civil engineering works involving such a wide area, it is important from the view point of construction management ...
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Pentti Vaha, Klaus Kansala, Iikka Kaisto, Rauno Heikkila
Pages 487-494
Abstract: A method of applying 3-D CAD design tool and 3-D measuring device in frame erection is described. The method links together the design data of the building and the as-built measurement data. The Cartesian measurement for each points on the site can thus easily be defined. The preparatory phase of ...
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R. Stouffs, R. Krishnamurti, S. Lee, I. Oppenheim
Pages 495-502
Abstract: A rule-based simulation program is developed for application to building construction. From a specified task schedule, the program generates and simulates a motion path for each robot action, avoiding obstacles and incorporating interaction safety and other considerations.
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Rong-Yau Huang, Daniel W. Halpin
Pages 503-510
Abstract: Application of visual simulation technique (VS) to assist in the planning and analysis of construction operations has become increasingly important in research community in recent years. Benefits of applying VS have been reported in several publications. Nevertheless, the effort required to design and construct an appropriate representative display for the ...
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Chris Hendrickson, Daniel R. Rehak
Pages 511-518
Abstract: Existing simulation models for construction operations typically rely on geometric objects moving through an abstract space or on monte carlo simulation models without specific geometric representations. Physically based models of such operations coupled with new technologies for user interaction offer tremendous potential for improving the realism and usefulness of simulation ...
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Min-Yuan Cheng, James T. O'Connor
Pages 519-526
Abstract: Previous research has demonstrated the automation can improve the industrial pipe lifting productivity. However, there is little information on finding how much productivity can be improved in other parts of pipe erection process to coordinate with the productivity improvement in pipe lifting. The processes of piping construction include pipe delivery, ...
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Keizo Kazama, Hisateru Uyeda, Akihiro Higashide, Susumu Nunomura, Toshiaki Morii, Hirotoshi Shimoda
Pages 527-534
Abstract: We have developed a manipulator for handling large, heavy objects for construction work, and applied it to bolt tightening work form shielded tunnel segments.
The manipulator is vertical multi-articulated type, with 6axis of freedom, and handling capacity of 500kgf by a 2.5m long arm.
The robot equipped two set of manipulator with ...
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Keizo Kazama, Hisateru Ueda, Akihiro Higashide, Yoshimitsu Kumao
Pages 535-542
Abstract: The self supported segment assembly robot, [O-SERO]*, has been developed through several fundamental equipments and a series of assembly tests in the factory, then applied to a real project. 70 no.s of segment ring (inside diameter: 6.0 meters) where assembled in the tunnel. The assembly process is full automatically done ...
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Kiyosi Sato, Katutosi Sekiya, Kazuhiro Higaki
Pages 543-550
Abstract: The hyper-shield system developed by Fujita Corporation is used to perform automatic excavation of tunnels. The system, applicable to either the slurry or the earth-pressure method, employs the pivotal technologies of artificial intelligence and fuzzy logic to automatically control excavation of tunnels. Also the system allows for its travel along ...
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T. Nozawa, F. Sato, N. Nishino
Pages 551-558
Abstract: This paper reports on development of gyro runner a totally unmanned shield guiding system. Consisting of automatic survey system and the automatic shield guiding system.
More than 90% of current shield tunnels are small-bore and of curved geometry. Where a gyrocompass mounted in the machine have been frequently used. However, the ...
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