Publications / 2023 Proceedings of the 40th ISARC, Chennai, India
The integration of BIM and sustainability is a key success criterion for sustainable planning, construction and operation and maintenance. Actually, various research is conducted to integrate the economic, environmental and social aspects in the BIM method. Especially, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Costing (LCC) are subjects of research. Although the integration of the various aspects has made significant progress in recent years, the complete life cycle is not regularly considered, but rather individual life cycle phases. This is particularly due to the fact that building components consisting of different components are regularly included in the LCA and LCC calculation as a single component. The layered structure of the individual components is thus not included in the respective calculations. However, it is a relevant criterion, since the conversion and renovation of buildings and the associated emissions and costs are strongly dependent on the layered structure and the deconstructability. Against this background, this paper presents a BIM- and data-based simulation of LCA and LCC to enable an optimized and realistic estimation of costs and emissions over the life cycle of building. The layered structure of building components is used to simulate the findings in a Proof-of-Concept (PoC). This paper shows, that BIM is a success criterion for the simulation of LCA and LCC and improves the construction and real estate industry's ability to implement sustainability concepts more effectively. It also indicates success factors for life cycle-orientated decision making as processes or definitions for the quality of information.