ISARC 2020 Online
The safety and well-being of all participants has our priority. Please know that our thoughts are with those affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. The ISARC 2020, originally scheduled to be held October 27-28, 2020 in Kitakyshu, Japan, was held successfully online and called ISARC 2020 Online.
Program and video recordings
221 papers were presented in 57 sessions. Detailed statistics about the attendance are available in the video of the closing session. The final schedule of the program (PDF) can be accessed incl. the links to the ISARC 2020 Online papers that can be accessed at no cost.
Video of Keynote 1
Prof. Kim on the topic of Smart Safety Assurance for Temporary Structures
Video of Keynote 2
Mr. Sato on the topic of International Space Exploration and Japanese Lunar Activities
Video of Keynote 3
Dr. Nitta on the topic of Initiatives for Robot Introduction in Japanese Public Works
Video of Closing Session and Awards Ceremony
Prof. Tateyama, Prof. Teizer, Prof. Bosche on Closing Remarks, Statistics to ISARC 2020 Online; ISARC 2020 Online Best Paper Awards; Introduction of ISARC 2021