Organization of IAARC

IAARC is a not-for-profit-organization (NPO) that uses its membership dues to develop services for, and facilitate and maintain communication between its members. IAARC is managed by its board whose directors and presidency continually change. The dynamic nature of the Association ensures that fresh ideas are brought into the organization whilst benefiting from the experience of others.

The organizational structure of IAARC is:

The Board of Directors (BOD) meets annually during the ISARC symposium and has some virtual meetings throughout the remainder of the year. The members of IAARC’s executive board are the President, the Vice-Presidents, the Past President and the General Secretary. Their activities involve: take responsibility for the association; approach new members; initiate and prepare board meetings; create reports for the annual BOD-meeting, i.e. membership status, financial statement and the budget for the coming years. The constitution of IAARC can be found here.



Hyoungkwan Kim Yonsei University Republic of Korea


Past President

Frédéric Bosché University of Edinburgh United Kingdom



Policy and Finance Frédéric Bosché University of Edinburgh United Kingdom
Publications Vineet Kamat University of Michigan USA
Annual Symposium Yong Cho Georgia Institute of Technology USA
Chapters and Innovation Hubs Ram Kumar Mantha University of Sharjah UAE
Education, Workshops and Summer School Shabtai Isaac Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Israel
Communication Yelda Turkan Oregan State University USA
Industry Xiangyu Wang Curtin University Australia


General Secretary

Borja Garcia de Soto NYU Abu Dhabi UAE



Johnson Xuesong Shen UNSW Sydney Australia


Elected BOD Members

Mohamed Al-Hussein University of Alberta Canada
Mehrdad Arashpour Monash University Australia
Thomas Bock Technical University Munich Germany
Ioannis Brilakis University of Cambridge United Kingdom
Alexey Bulgakov Ministy of education and science of Russian federation Russia
Alessandro Carbonari Università politecnica delle marche Ancona Italy
Daniel Castro-Lacouture Purdue University USA
Hung-Ming Chen National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taiwan R.O.C.
Po-Han Chen Concordia University Canada
Qian Chen University of British Columbia Canada
Chen Feng New York University USA
Raul Fuentes RWTH Aachen Germany
Vicente Gonzalez University of Alberta Canada
Carl T. Haas University of Waterloo Canada
Daniel Hall TU Delft Netherlands
Amin Hammad Concordia University Canada
Rauno Heikkilä University of Oulu Finland
Kepa Iturralde Technical University Munich Germany
Markus Kőnig Ruhr-University Bochum Germany
Soonwook Kwon Sungkyunkwan University Republic of Korea
Zoubeir Lafhaj EC Lille France
Nan Li Tsinghua University China
Thomas Linner Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg Germany
Joseph Louis Oregon State University USA
Ming Shan (Charmaine) Ng Kyoto Institute of Technology Japan
Wei Pan University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
Benny Raphael IIT Madras India
Saiedeh Razavi McMaster University Canada
Piotr Szynkarczyk Łukasiewicz Research Network – Industrial Research Institute for Automation & Measurements PIAP Poland
Jochen Teizer Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Denmark
Józef Wrona Łukasiewicz Research Network – Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements PIAP Poland
Jiansong Zhang Purdue University USA
Zhenhua Zhu University of Wisconsin USA


Honorary BOD Members

Yukio Hasegawa Waseda University – Tokyo Japan
Ronie Navon Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Israel
Miroslaw Skibniewski University of Maryland USA
Richard L. Tucker The University of Texas at Austin USA