Publications Organizing Team

The publications organizing team is responsible for and carries out the by IAARC internalized and stable, quality ensuring paper submission, peer-review, and proceedings/paper publication process for the yearly ISARC conferences.

Technical chairs:


The ISARC technical committee consists of the Chair, the Vice-Chair, the Area Chairs, and the reviewers. Their roles, responsibilities, and rights are described below.


  • The Chair, with the assistance of the Vice-Chair, is responsible for overseeing the whole ISARC paper review and awards selection process to ensure high-quality reviews


  • The Vice-Chair is responsible for collecting and verifying camera-ready papers, the compilation of paper proceedings, and the video proceedings (including the presentation videos) online
  • The Vice-Chair is also responsible for indexing all the accepted papers
  • The Vice-Chair should also assist the Chair in the above paper review and awards selection process

Appointment of the Chair and Vice-Chair

  • The Vice-Chair will automatically become the next year’s ISARC Technical Committee Chair
  • The Vice-Chair for the next year’s ISARC Technical Committee should be nominated by the current Chair and Vice-Chair together
  • The Chair and the Vice-Chair must be an IAARC BOD member

Area Chairs

  • Area Chairs are responsible for finding at least 2 high-quality paper reviews for each assigned paper submission in the area, and finally, recommend acceptance/rejection of the paper submission
  • Area Chairs will be assigned to technical areas
  • In principle, Area Chairs are expected to be IAARC BOD members; any additional ACs will be recruited outside of BOD
  • If a submission has a conflict of interests with an Area Chair, it will be handled by the Chair and the Vice-Chair


  • Reviewers are invited by area chairs after papers are assigned to Area Chairs by the authors’ selected area
  • The authors’ selected area of any submission might be changed by the Chair & the Vice-Chair
  • Reviewers should not be Area Chairs
  • Reviewers need to carefully review the paper and fill in the Review Form.
  • Best reviewers will be selected by all the chairs
  • ISARC will incentivize high-quality reviews by recognizing the selected best reviewers, using official email/PDF certificates, and conference registration discounts
  • Each Area Chair could nominate up to X number of best reviewers after receiving all the reviews; the number X is determined by the Chair and the Vice-Chair each year; the final best reviewers will be approved by the Chair and the Vice-Chair jointly