Publications / 1986 Proceedings of the 3rd ISARC, Marseille, France

Le système M.A.R.S

D. Berbere, B. David, C. Bernanose
Pages 290-299 (1986 Proceedings of the 3rd ISARC, Marseille, France, ISSN 2413-5844)

Le systeme M.A R.S. a pour but de supporter le processus de Programmation Architecturale. Pour cela il propose une Modelisation qui permet de prendre en compte toutes les informations que I'architecte manipule lors de ce processus (texte, graphique, images, etc_). L'organisation propose permet de bestir un modele concret comme specialisation d'un module abstrait generique. Ce modele exploite egalement la reference spatiale comme support tres utile a Ia manipulation, la designation et la recherche des informations utilisees et instanciees dans le projet.

Le systeme M.A.R.S fournit un support formel qui gere la coherence du projet, assure la reutilisation de I'existant grace a la Base de Donnees et permet de prendre en compte ('expertise en programmation a ('aide d'un Systeme Expert approprie.

The objectif of the system is to support the Architectural Programming Process. Thus it proposes a Modelling which can take into account all the information handled by the architect during this process (text, graphic.. images. etc ). In the proposed organization the building of a concret model as a specialization of an abstract generic model is undertaken . This model also uses Spatial Reference which is very useful during manipulation to point out and to seek all information used and instanciated in the project.

The M.A.R.S. system provides a formal framework which is able to manage coherency in the project, to assure the re-use of existing information with a Data Base and can take into account the expertise in programming by an appropriate Expert System.

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