Publications / 1986 Proceedings of the 3rd ISARC, Marseille, France

The Virtual "Maquette" and the Synthesis of Images in the Architecture Project

A. Polistina
Pages 334-341 (1986 Proceedings of the 3rd ISARC, Marseille, France, ISSN 2413-5844)

Le projet d' architecture rapporte constamment le prob1eme de pro jet a son contexte. Le changement continu d'echelle nest done pas un jeu de representation pure mais devient un changement de language qui s' efforce de rendre l'espace du projet visible et controlable.

Il est done desirable de depasser less methodologies de CAD traditionnelles re ferablec. a' une casuistique parfaite dans un certain sens et independente du contexte de l'architecture et de son territoire. Ce rapport explique les methodologies appliquees pour le controle du style de la representation et de la base de donnees cans a construction d'une maquette virtuelle qui. devienne le miroir des intentions de projet. The architecture project constantly refers to the question of project ion in its own context.

The co ntinous change in scale is not therefore a game of pure representation but becomes a change of language which attempts. to make the pr oject space visible and controllable. It is therefore desirable to pass over those traditional CAD methodologies that refer to a casuistry which is, in a certain sense, perfect and independent from the context of the architecture and its. sorrounding. This report illustrates the methodologies used to control the style of the representation and the data base used in the construction of a virtual "maquette" which becomes the mirror of project intentions.

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