Publications / 2016 Proceedings of the 33rd ISARC, Auburn, USA

Derivation of the Factors Influencing the Network Performance of Serverless Smart Exit Sign Systems Based on Wireless Sensor Networks

Hyunoh Kim, Ghang Lee and Jehyun Cho
Pages 496-504 (2016 Proceedings of the 33rd ISARC, Auburn, USA, ISBN 978-1-5108-2992-3, ISSN 2413-5844)

This paper presents the factors that could potentially affect the reliability of a serverless smart exit sign system, namely an evacuation guidance system based on a wireless sensor network (WSN) without a central server. Serverless smart exit sign system dynamically changes the directions of signs to indicate the shortest safe evacuation paths. Thus, the reliability of these systems is critical. Nevertheless, no research has been conducted to test the reliability of serverless smart exit sign systems. As a first step, we conducted a literature review to analyze the factors that could degrade the network performance of serverless smart exit sign systems. The identified factors were grouped into three categories: physical obstacles, environmental factors, and WSN properties. We plan to develop a prototype of a serverless smart exit sign system and then to conduct experiments to validate the influence of these factors on its network performance.

Keywords: Serverless Evacuation System, Wireless Sensor Network, Smart Exit Sign System