Publications / 2019 Proceedings of the 36th ISARC, Banff, Canada

Frequency Sweep Based Sensing Technology for Non-destructive Electrical Resistivity Measurement of Concrete

Sathira Wickramanayake, Karthick Thiyagarajan, Sarath Kodagoda and Lasitha Piyathilaka
Pages 1290-1297 (2019 Proceedings of the 36th ISARC, Banff, Canada, ISBN 978-952-69524-0-6, ISSN 2413-5844)

Electrical resistivity is an important parameter to be monitored for the conditional assessment and health monitoring of aging and new concrete infrastructure. In this paper, we report the design and development of a frequency sweep based sensing technology for non-destructive electrical resistivity measurement of concrete. Firstly, a sensing system prototype was developed based on the Wenner probe arrangement for the electrical resistivity measurements. This system operates by integrating three major units namely current injection unit, sensing unit and microcontroller unit. Those units govern the overall operations of the sensing system. Secondly, the measurements from the developed unit were compared with the measurements of the commercially available device at set conditions. This experimentation evaluated the measurement performance and demonstrated the effectiveness of the developed sensor prototype. Finally, the influence of rebar and the effect of frequency on the electrical measurements were studied through laboratory experimentation on a concrete sample. Experimental results indicated that the electrical resistivity measurements taken at a closer proximity to the rebar had its influence than the measurements taken away from the rebar in the ideal set condition. Also, the increase in electrical resistivity to the increase in frequency was observed, and then the measurements show lesser variations to higher frequency inputs.

Keywords: Concrete; electrical resistivity; frequency effects; frequency sweep; infrastructure; infrastructure health monitoring; non-destructive; rebar effects; sensor