Publications / 2020 Proceedings of the 37th ISARC, Kitakyushu, Japan
Recently, as technologies combine, AR (Augmen ted Reality)/VR(Virtual Reality)/MR(Mixed Reality) and advanced sensing equipment are being developed. The possibilities of their application to construction fields is likewise increasing. Research into applying these techniques to facility maintenance, manager training, and safety/evacuation training is being actively conducted. In the case of the existing facility maintenance process, it is difficult to identify the exact management matters and departments that have problems during facility inspection or history management. In the case of complex equipment, it is necessary to respond to equipment maintenance needs through real-time support technology with on-site workers due to the difficulty of promptly dispatching related advanced equipment experts. In addition, digitization of the maintenance manual is required for time, cost and losses to be minimized due to equipment downtime; to improve understanding, thus proper utilization, of non-specialist facilities maintenance and work safety through realistic work guidance based on 3D content. Therefore, in this study, we propose MR-based remotely controlled technology, real-time worker decision-making and work performance support technology for process improvement, preventing quality problems in the field manager-centered equipment inspection maintenance.