Publications / 2023 Proceedings of the 40th ISARC, Chennai, India
Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) is an innovative planning and control method for industrial projects with known parameters that allow organizations to transform the way they plan and control industrial construction projects. As the implementation of AWP is gradual, organizations are constantly looking to improve their practices. However, several organizations struggle with change, making decisions, and taking action. Every change effort impacts a wide array of internal and external stakeholders, and the lack of standard procedures to help organizations effectively navigate a change by making informed decisions and acting on those decisions impedes the progress and growth of the organization. This paper contributes to the notion of decision-making in the construction industry by presenting an "Advanced Work Packaging Improvement Canvas" (AWPIC). AWPIC allows organizations to improve their current AWP practices and transform their businesses by mapping the essential elements that organizations must consider to facilitate the change dialog internally and move toward the desired future state. The paper describes the theoretical underpinnings that embody AWPIC, and then introduces AWPIC, and explains its six building blocks: Current State, Problem, Future State, Solution, Investment and Value Creation Analysis, and Action Plan and Follow-Up. AWPIC is developed with the intent to present a holistic framework for improvement and change processes and increase standardization in the industry