Publications / 2024 Proceedings of the 41st ISARC, Lille, France

Coupled Risk Assessment of Construction Workers’ Unsafe Behaviors in Human-Robot Interactions

Jing Lin, Qinyuan Li, Runhe Zhu, Yuhang Cai, Longhui You, Lewen Zou, Siyan Liu
Pages 585-592 (2024 Proceedings of the 41st ISARC, Lille, France, ISBN 978-0-6458322-1-1, ISSN 2413-5844)

Human-robot interaction (HRI) is expected to play an important role in the construction industry in the coming decades. However, construction workers face new safety challenges that stem from both external environmental risks and individual internal risks in the HRI environment. Therefore, this study aims to identify safety risk factors related to the HRI environment and develop a coupled risk assessment method for construction workers' unsafe behaviors in the HRI environment.

The research methodology involves literature review, questionnaire surveys, hierarchical analysis, and fuzzy evaluation. As a result, this study identified 59 risk factors (37 external and 22 internal) related to the HRI environment and established a three-level coupled degree indicator system. There are 35 experts invited to rate the influence and occurrence possibility of each indicator. Hierarchical analysis was employed to assign weights to the indicators, taking into account the experts' opinions and using the entropy weight method to improve the accuracy. The composite indicators of the second-level and first-level indicators were calculated to evaluate the coupled risk of unsafe behaviors in the HRI environment.

The findings revealed that the interaction between construction equipment and site condition factors has a strong effect on construction workers’ unsafe behavior in the HRI environment, indicating a need for strengthened control measures such as developing construction guidelines. The present study provides a scientific basis for evaluating the safety of the HRI environment in building construction and designing safety management systems and measures for intelligent construction.

Keywords: Human-robot interaction, Unsafe behavior, Coupled risk, Risk assessment, Construction safety