Publications / 2024 Proceedings of the 41st ISARC, Lille, France
The International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC) and the Local Organizing Committee are pleased to present the Proceedings of the 41st International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2024). This event was held from June 3-5, 2024, in Lille, France, and was hosted by École Centrale de Lille. The 41st edition of ISARC marks a significant milestone in its maturity with great participation (a total of 219 papers submitted). After a rigorous peer-review process, 174 papers (81% of the submissions) were finally accepted and included in the proceedings. In total, 431 authors from 130 universities and 11 private/public research organizations and firms across 29 countries, including the Americas, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and the Middle East, submitted their work that was assessed in a two-step peer-review process, which included a rebuttal phase. The submission and review processes were supported by 23 Area Chairs who covered the eight typical technical areas of interest within IAARC, including "Robotization of Renovation in Construction," a theme proposed by the Local Organizers. The review process involved 210 reviewers. Unlike traditional practices, submission of full papers was required without prior abstract submission, which made the revision cycles more effective. The peer review was conducted in a single-blinded manner. One hundred eighty three papers (84.7%) received two reviews, while some required additional assessments before a decision could be made: 32 papers (14.8%) had three reviews, and one paper (0.5%) underwent four reviews. This approach helped address situations where consensus was not initially reached, requiring further reviews. During the review process, the rebuttal phase has now become a part of the curation practices for the proceedings at ISARC. The standards established in this phase continue to add value for authors, enabling an ongoing process of improvement in the quality of the papers accepted for the proceedings. The peer-review process enabled the selection of high-quality submissions, incorporating both traditional scientific and short papers into the proceedings. As for presentations, the symposium featured keynote, plenary, parallel and poster sessions. ISARC stands as the leading global conference in the field of automation and robotics in construction. To maintain its prestigious status, the IAARC Technical Committee and Area Chairs have ensured that high-quality papers are accepted. Building on the work of previous Technical Committees, who have developed editorial standards, guidelines, and a knowledge base, the current Technical Committee has introduced an automated process for generating the table of contents and proceedings. This innovation will benefit future ISARC events. We hope you find this year's proceedings engaging and the papers included particularly stimulating. Enjoy your reading! Vicente A. Gonzalez Jiansong Zhang Borja García de Soto Ioannis Brilakis