Publications / 1999 Proceedings of the 16th ISARC, Madrid, Spain

Automation Analysis of Energy Performance in Building Facades

M. Casals, M. Etxeberrla, P. Alavedra, P. Antentas
Pages 333-337 (1999 Proceedings of the 16th ISARC, Madrid, Spain, ISSN 2413-5844)

At the initial stages of the construction projects, the objectives are to be clearly explanated. The later phase always depends of the first stages. Into these initial studies, one of the most important preoccupations is to improve the energy response of the buildings. This paper introduces a program developed in order to do this primary energy studies. Another aims of this development are increase the productivity of the designer tasks and achieve better quality levels in buildings.

Keywords: Building design automation; designer productivity; facades energy performance; energy passive design