Publications / 2001 Proceedings of the 18th ISARC, Krakow, Poland

Improving Performance of Shield TBM for Subway Tunnel Passing Through Riverbed

Gyujin Bae, Hoon Kim, Koouho Hwang, Seungil Cheun, Kihoon Choi
Pages 1-6 (2001 Proceedings of the 18th ISARC, Krakow, Poland, ISBN 9788386040117, ISSN 2413-5844)

As a technology of mechanical excavators is developed, an application of Shield TBM becomes variable and wide. As a result, shield TBM can be applied most geological conditions, such as soil condition with high water pressure, hard rock condition, and mixed condition. However, an extensive and detail geological investigation should be conducted to select most suitable equipment and cutting tools for high performance. This paper will focus on an improvement of shield performance in difficult condition by alternative plans and modifications of shield TBM.

Keywords: shield TBM performance, advance rate, cutter consumption, downtime