Publications / 2008 Proceedings of the 25th ISARC, Vilnius, Lituania

Telemetric System for Management in Concrete Process

Andrzej Karzowski
Pages 318-323 (2008 Proceedings of the 25th ISARC, Vilnius, Lituania, ISBN 978-9955-28-304-1, ISSN 2413-5844)

In day of Internet and mobile phones of wireless broadcast of data, GPS – tools to collecting and transmitting of information, in real time one should to create tools, which will assemble this information and will be capable to aid technological decision in constriction industry. Building and first of all management should use this tools in larger range. System TSforMinCP be leaning on the newest telecommunicational solutions it - uses: the wireless net – GSM/GPRS/APN, internet (the server of www and side of web) to measurement of temperature, wind and moisture in initial period of maturation of concrete. We on square of building in concreted element place the sensors of temperature from transmitter the GSM.

Keywords: GSM, GPRS, decision making, decision analysis