Publications / 2015 Proceedings of the 32nd ISARC, Oulu, Finland
In this study, a system which utilizes Cloud technology to establish a data center to store and manage multiple BIMs simultaneously has been developed. This BIM data center can not on-ly handle the big data of massive BIMs using multiple servers in distributed manner, but also can be accessed by using various online devices anywhere anytime for information sharing and visualization. Traditional BIM includes only static information, such as the geometric parameters, physical properties, and spatial relations, for modeling of the physical space. In this study, BIM was extended to dynamic BIM which also includes dynamic data, such as the historical records from monitoring of facility environment and usage, as well as the user experience parameters from continuous observation of the interaction between users and the space. Due to such extension, dynamic BIM become a parametric model which can be used to simulate user behaviors. Consequently, the attribute data of dynamic BIM is not only massive, but also keeps increasing with continuous monitoring of space and users. In addition, information should be effectively retrieved from these large data sets for applications. Re-garding the applications of dynamic BIM big data, this study proposes a Cloud-based system framework to effectively retrieve required information for various applications by big data analysis based on parallel processing of large data sets. In addition, this study also do prelim-inary study on the application of data mining techniques to find hidden dependencies or regu-larities in the processed data sets for the influences of the states of various facilities on indoor environment, energy consumption, and user behaviors. The results of data mining can serve as the references rules for decision support on facilities control.