Publications / 2015 Proceedings of the 32nd ISARC, Oulu, Finland

Building Process Management in Green Public Procurement

Barbara Orgiano, Emanuela Quaquero, Martina Basciu
Pages 1-5 (2015 Proceedings of the 32nd ISARC, Oulu, Finland, ISBN 978-951-758-597-2, ISSN 2413-5844)

Today more than ever, the world of Public Procurement is regulated by a large and diverse body of law, constantly updated and enriched. The environmental issue is one of the subjects that is gaining more and more on the international level and so the new regulations of Procurement must consider it in its articles. The process, therefore, must meet the requirements of convenience, considering both time and costs, but also the quality of supply, which will be evaluated both on the basis of the design proposals (traditional requirements) and on the convenience of its life cycle (current requirements, LCC and LCA). The forecast period of each tender will be no more evaluated from the moment ('now' - the day of submission of the tender) to the future ('then' - the ordinary value of the subject of the contract). The present study aims to determine the state of the art of the existing regulations and the current procedures for the award of public supply, to highlight what are the (new) criteria and the critical issues that follow their implementation; the goal is to determine whether the management of procurement actions, as we face today, is appropriate or not to the 'green' needs and, if not, what new ways may configure.

Keywords: Green Public Procurement, Building process, Building Life Cycle