Publications / 2015 Proceedings of the 32nd ISARC, Oulu, Finland
Construction and mining industries are using more than 20% of all non-road engines and listed as the third largest contributor to greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission globally. GHGs emitted from engines in construction and mining sites have not been fully investigated yet. Normally, government agencies and construction contractors estimate emitted pollution approximately based on consumed fuel for emission tax purpose. Despite the research conducted in this area in recent years, there is no accurate model to measure different GHGs emitted at operational level. This paper aims to develop an integrated framework to estimate emission rates of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrocarbon (HC) from machinery employed in construction and mining sites. Real-time engine and operational data collected by Data Logger and GPS/INS instruments are analysed to model the emissions. The results are further validated by comparing against the outputs from a portable emission measurement system (PEMS). Specific process was carried out to synchronize the raw data collected from three different channels. The emission measurement model also considers fuel-to-emission chemical relations, engine specifications and effective factors on different pollutants emission rate. The model developed in this research has been validated through comparing the estimation results with the data collected by PEMS in the laboratory experiments. As results show, the correlation coefficient (R2) of ordinary least square (OLS) regression relations of emissions is higher than 0.9. Also, the results of the analysed data by SPSS Software show R2 of engine load estimation model is 0.76.