Publications / 2017 Proceedings of the 34rd ISARC, Taipei, Taiwan
The traditional construction schedule planning methods are mostly based on the project activities list broken down by the experienced engineers who primarily analyze the work content of construction drawings, and the activity durations estimated by simulating the construction process according to the conditions of the construction site. However, such an approach does not only give hard time the new engineers without experiences, but is also unable to capture the dynamic risk factors while estimating the construction duration. As a result, the planed schedule is usually inaccurate and ineffective. To tackle the abovementioned problem, this paper presents a BIM-based Visual Risk critical path Scheduling System (BIM-VRcpSS) to assist the construction scheduler in developing a more accurate and effective schedule. The proposed BIM-VRcpSS provides functions of risk-based Critical Path Method (CPM) scheduling based on seven different risk levels. It also equips the construction schedulers with a 3D BIM visual simulation tool to better estimate the activity durations compared with the traditional 2D approaches. Moreover, with the aid of a cloud data based system, the construction schedulers are able to fine-tune duration estimates by considering the impact of different risk factors without spatial and time limitations. As such, the proposed BIM-VRcpSS can increase the duration estimation accuracy of construction activities, and improve the traditional scheduling approaches.