Publications / 2017 Proceedings of the 34rd ISARC, Taipei, Taiwan
In order to get the building construction permit, the building owners who intend to construct or modify their buildings must submit documents to the local government officers for approval. Typically, the government officers will review the submitted documents and check city planning and land uses designations in accordance with laws and regulations of each area.This work is burdensome and takes a long time so as to check documents. Moreover, it requires the officers who have enough expertise and comprehend in legislation for the considered building and area information. In case of the officers do not consider all associated regulations or conditions such as width of road in front of the proposed construction area or restricted areas, it will lead to incorrect results of land use and construction approval. Then, the owners of building and land will be affected by such mistakes. Therefore, the research aims to develop the prototype expert system which can support the local government officers and land owners for checking the land uses designations before submitting the building construction permit. This prototype system was integrated laws and regulations with GIS database, Google Map, for retrieving, analyzing, and providing the results via Internet Web Browser. The selected area is Pattaya city in Thailand because it is the one of the most famous cities which has a high level of growth rate of land development. The proposed system can conveniently and efficiently provide the accurate land use information to officers, investors, and also inhabitants.