Publications / 2018 Proceedings of the 35th ISARC, Berlin, Germany
Tracking design completeness during the early phases of complex construction projects is a vital need for project participants to measure their progress. It is also a challenge, because design completeness depends on both geometric details and engineering information related to the model. Tracking level of development (LOD) of the designed objects is a partial solution that focuses on level of geometric detail of the design elements. However, engineering analysis, documents and process records behind the design are thereby neither assured in terms of completeness nor related to the elements. To address this aspect of the problem, the Construction Industry Institute (CII) published Model Maturity Index (MMI) definitions and the Model Maturity Risk Index (MMRI) Toolkit which aim to help management and engineering teams to provide accurate and timely information about design progress and productivity in building and industrial type construction projects. In this research, new MMI definitions and a related MMRI table is developed for the Track Line discipline in MRT projects by conducting a literature review on track line design and by seeking related experts opinions. Semi-automated assistance for populating the MMRI table using an interface management system integrated with a BIM is also described but is not the main focus of the paper. More accurate engineering progress measurements should be facilitated by the research results.