Publications / 2018 Proceedings of the 35th ISARC, Berlin, Germany

Integrated Digital and Model-Based Construction Logistics Management Based on Lean Thinking Approaches

Christian Leifgen and Steffen Kujajewski
Pages 428-435 (2018 Proceedings of the 35th ISARC, Berlin, Germany, ISBN 978-3-00-060855-1, ISSN 2413-5844)

As an elementary part of building projects, construction logistics encompasses planning, control and monitoring functions to ensure the flow of materials and people on the construction site. Furthermore, it includes the management of storage areas and site facility planning. Despite its importance, the implementation of construction logistics often does not occur systematically. In practice, the project phases in which its planning and implementation take place as well as the considered degrees of detail differ significantly depending on the project conditions, such as the projects’ complexity, involved stakeholders or the scope of the construction project. In this paper an approach is presented that facilitates a systematic and holistic planning of construction logistics overall project phases on basis of lean construction principles. To achieve this, the coordination of all domain-specific stakeholders (e.g. construction logistics planners, site managers, contractors) is essential. As a work basis, construction logistics planners can create a specific digital construction logistics model (CLM) derived from the digital architectural model. This CLM can be used to schedule deliveries and storage areas, as well as logistics related information (e.g., delivery dates, storage areas, escape routes, waste collection points or construction site equipment elements). Construction logistics has to be generally accepted as an own domain - specific role during and especially in the beginning of construction projects to ensure the regarding of all necessary processes and requirements towards the construction logistics.

Keywords: BIM, Construction Logistics, Domain-Specific Model, Lean Construction, Lean Logistics,