Publications / 2019 Proceedings of the 36th ISARC, Banff, Canada
LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) emerges as a mapping technology that provides fast, accurate, and reliable data with geometric representation of construction facilities. The technology has received high recognition especially since the importance of digital transformation in construction projects has been emphasized. However, the current state of 3D technologies including LiDAR encounters difficulty in recognizing and extracting accurate information on the as-built status of the buildings and construction sites. As a preliminary study for the development of a 3D architectural geometric representation of building and environment, this paper proposes a 3D modeling approach based on point cloud data obtained by LiDAR technology. This paper suggests a novel method for data acquisition on as-built status of construction sites and buildings during construction-operation phases. Furthermore, a field test has been performed for visualizing and modeling of the indoors of a residential house. The results of this paper are expected to inaugurate adaptation of LiDAR technology during the as-built process, and further implementation of digital technology after construction phase in construction projects.