Publications / 2023 Proceedings of the 40th ISARC, Chennai, India

Object Detection in Construction Department

Pralipa Nayak
Pages 601-604 (2023 Proceedings of the 40th ISARC, Chennai, India, ISBN 978-0-6458322-0-4, ISSN 2413-5844)

The capability to automatically identify shapes and objects from the image content through direct and indirect methodologies has enabled the development of several civil engineering related applications that assist in the development of construction projects. This paper shows how this automation process has been made possible using Machine Learning techniques to reduce the time and effort consumed in the field of construction industry. Also how technology has helped to transform the construction industry. Manually where various objects like doors, beams and columns were detected throughout an architectural plan by counting and recording, this process used to take many hours to work on a single plan. Automating this process with the help of Object detection and Machine learning has helped to reduce the time and effort consumption by a huge margin.

Keywords: Object detection, Machine learning, computer vision, image processing, construction
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