Publications / 2023 Proceedings of the 40th ISARC, Chennai, India

PExCon: Design and Development of Passive Exoskeleton for Construction

Sachin Kansal , Jiansong Zhang
Pages 617-620 (2023 Proceedings of the 40th ISARC, Chennai, India, ISBN 978-0-6458322-0-4, ISSN 2413-5844)

The concept of teleoperation is crucial in modern and future construction workplaces, as it can be used in remote or challenging/hazardous environments such as workspace in a desert, close to a nuclear reactor, or underwater, among others. The success of teleoperation hinges on its interface, where passive exoskeleton with ergonomics considerations has shown great promise. In the literature, however, the ergonomic design of the passive exoskeleton and the 3-D environment for precise visual feedback is lacking. To address that, the authors target to design and develop an ergonomic inclined and light-weighted passive exoskeleton to support construction teleoperation activities.

Keywords: Tele-operation, Remoting, Manipulator, Construction Technology, Passive Exoskeleton, Sensors