Publications / 2002 Proceedings of the 19th ISARC, Washington, USA
This paper aims to explore the prospective applications of cuttingedge technology like wearable computers in construction industry. The history, current research, application areas and future trends of wearable computing are investigated. The first-hand experience of the authors through a well-designed field experiment is introduced in detail to show how the technologies actually work. The field experiment is performed using three different methods, including by hand, by Palm PC and by wearable computer. The pros and cons for each are analyzed and compared to reveal why wearable computer is a better tool to help construction professionals to perform their daily duties like ?punch-list?. The results in summary showed that in immediate future, wearable computer is a better solution for construction than Palm PCs. But the advocates of the wearable computer should always bear in mind that the technologies are always developing. Palm PCs are still expanding their functionality while maintaining the mobility. It is not impossible that tomorrow they could have the same storage and processing capacities as wearable computers today. So Palm PCs are going to be strong competitors of wearable computer.