Publications / 2002 Proceedings of the 19th ISARC, Washington, USA

Development of an Electronic Acquisition Model for Project Scheduling (e-AMPS) Using Java and XML

W. Lin
Pages 41-46 (2002 Proceedings of the 19th ISARC, Washington, USA, ISSN 2413-5844)

During the construction phase, participants in a multi-contract project acquire external real-time scheduling information from other involved parties and use this to make appropriate decisions in regard to project control. There are two major obstacles to project participants gaining efficient access to external information in a distributed data environment: (1) the variety of data structures that project members may use, and (2) lack of an automatic mechanism for data acquisition. Based on the ontology defined by eXtensible markup language Schema (XML Schema) and an automatic mechanism called Message Transfer Chain (MTC), an Electronic Acquisition Model for Project Scheduling (e-AMPS) centralized in an information agent, Message Agent (MA), was developed. Each participant equips a Message Agent as his unique information window to automatically acquire external information and provide other participants with scheduling information as well. The ultimate goal of this study is to build an automatic communication environment for multi-contract projects to solve the abovementioned difficulties, and thus achieve effective communication among project participants.

Keywords: Internet; WWW; Project Management; Intelligent Agent; Information Integration