Publications / 2007 Proceedings of the 24th ISARC, Kochi, India

A CAD-Based Site Layout for Irregular Facilities Using ACO

Rajeev Ranjan Kumar, Arbind K. Singh
Pages 383-388 (2007 Proceedings of the 24th ISARC, Kochi, India, ISBN 978-81-904235-1-9, ISSN 2413-5844)

This paper introduces a novel approach to enhance the general practice of layout planning of construction sites for producing the efficient utilization. In this work, a solution to the problem is attempted for unequal and irregular temporary facility using robust search and optimization capabilities of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm, inspired by the foraging behaviour of real ants. The problem is solved in four stages, namely (1) discretising construction space and formation of representative matrix of site and temporary facilities, (2) identifying all practical constraints in this optimization problem, (3) dividing the construction project in various time interval and identifying the temporary facility for the corresponding time interval, and (4) implementing ACO to get the optimum position and orientation of temporary facilities

Keywords: Site Layout Planning (SLP), Irregular Temporary Facility, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)