Publications / 2008 Proceedings of the 25th ISARC, Vilnius, Lituania

Flexibility Implementation in Construction Process Engineering

Jerzy Paslawski
Pages 610-615 (2008 Proceedings of the 25th ISARC, Vilnius, Lituania, ISBN 978-9955-28-304-1, ISSN 2413-5844)

The disturbances of processes in progress are in construction production engineering basic problem making difficult planning both under in relation to time, as and costs. The conception of introduction of flexibility came into result of observation of problems alongside realization of runways, the roads of circling, customs terminals, driveway as well as assembly of facade of elevation of high buildings, where the serious factor was the perturbative weather. It seems, that having at command the different options of realization (learning e. g. on modification of process and/or the limitation of influence of disturbances - in case of negative scenario, as and the utilization the chances - in case of optimistic scenario) one could reach considerably better effects than depending on of realization based on one option (traditional method).

Keywords: flexibility management, advisory system, construction process, construction engineering