Publications / 2011 Proceedings of the 28th ISARC, Seoul, Korea
Recently, the curtain wall systems are widely used for the exterior walls of the buildings. In this regard, many studies on their cleaning and maintenance methods are being carried out. Now in order to review on the possibility of the attachment of the cleaning robot to the existing buildings, it is unavoidable for us to check the structural stability of the major members of the existing curtain walls. From the preliminary reviews on the design documents and the shop drawings of the buildings, the constructed curtain wall is mainly made of aluminum and steel, which are categorized in to continuous beam, two-span continuous beam and simple beam according to the connected type of the curtain wall mullion members. In conclusion, on the mullion of simple beam, the stress increasing ratio is proportionate to that of the robot load being attached. However, on the mullion of continuous beam, it is insignificant even with the robot load up to 20kN. That is, the robot load within the limit of 20kN on the existing curtain walls shall be acceptable without further reinforcement being added.