Publications / 2011 Proceedings of the 28th ISARC, Seoul, Korea
The safety diagnosis of buildings is very important for continuous maintenance of them. However, the current safety and precision safety diagnosis in maintenance have focused on inspecting the first and second grade facilities. Considering that middle and small-size buildings except for the first and second account for 99.2% of whole buildings, the safety diagnosis of middle and small-size buildings should be needed for extended duration of whole buildings.
This study attempts to identify problems on the system of safety and precision safety diagnosis and to develop the safety diagnosis model available for middle and small-size buildings. So we suggest the improvement direction that can be applied to existing condition assessment item to middle and small-size buildings by reviewing current evaluation method and conducting surveys. Based on these findings, we revise the As-Is Model using fuzzy theory, develop the To-Be Model and suggest the prototype in order to easily evaluate.
If the findings of this study are applied to practices, safety and precision safety diagnosis of buildings except for the first- second will be performed efficiently. In the next study, the condition assessment should be performed using the To-Be Model and the validity of model should be established. Also, the findings should be applied to other buildings such as rebar structure.