Publications / 2011 Proceedings of the 28th ISARC, Seoul, Korea
This paper presents an Internet-based design collaboration of multi-disciplinary teams for the development of a Building Information Modeling (BIM) model. The network allows geographically separated design teams to work simultaneously on a single shared BIM model, using a distributed system to achieve design integration and conflict resolution. A synchronous collaborative design platform for inter-disciplinary collaboration was developed in this study. By using the proposed platform, the members of various design teams can be connected via the Internet to work in the same virtual design space, where they can see the progress of other teams' work and cooperate in real-time. All design data is centrally maintained in a database to provide secure and systematic data management. A hybrid Client-Server and Peer-to- Peer (P2P) network model was proposed for such design collaboration. The network has two levels. Inter-disciplinary teams are linked in a Client-Server network; within intra-disciplinary members, individual team members are linked in a P2P network. This network model allows for efficient multi-disciplinary collaboration in the development of BIM models. Stable operating mechanisms and suitable access rules are imposed to maintain the integrity of the system.