Publications / 2011 Proceedings of the 28th ISARC, Seoul, Korea
This research developed an integrated radio frequency identification with building information model (RFID-BIM) to manage life cycle information related to open-building projects. The modularized components of open- building, including structural support systems and infill systems (e.g., partitions, facilities and pipes), which permits repetitive assembly and disassembly. Contractors prefabricate standard modular components offsite prior to installation. RFID technology can facilitate the effective storage and retrieval of critical information needed by management at different project phases. BIM frames the construction components and materials database and allows visual simulation of the building model. This study generated several significant results, these included: 1) Development of a 3D time factor- integrated figure able to generate a 4D virtual reality model for construction progress simulation in the planning and design phase; 2) Using the developed model, it can be successful checking of construction interfaces and conflicts during the detailed design phase; and 3) Control and real-time monitoring of construction installation work during the construction phase. Building on the general concept of platform integration, this study applied data exchangeability and process automation technologies to initiate data exchange and collect information in order to significantly raise the efficiency of open building projects. In summary, RFID-BIM provides a platform upon which various participants can organize and share information on all building project phases.