Publications / 2011 Proceedings of the 28th ISARC, Seoul, Korea
Construction companies require a management system to increase efficiency and profit due to the competitive and globalized business environment. Changing business environment also requires prompt and flexible responses such as establishing management strategies, increasing value of intangible assets, and measuring and collecting real-time data. Specific approaches are also called for to achieve realistic, organized and rational management amid constant and accelerating changes in the business environment of construction industry. Since the 1990s, construction companies have made various attempts to innovate their business structure both internally and externally by means of BPR, Six Sigma, PI and Workflow. Some improvements were made, but most of them were temporary and insufficient in providing the much-needed promptness for businesses to respond to the changes. In addition, various information technologies including ERP, MIS and PMIS to support the business process have been utilized, but they were estranged from the business process management and failed to meet the strategic goals of the companies as the technologies were function-oriented and focused on input/output processes and data flow. In the construction industry, only a handful of companies considered adoption of BPM and carried out basic theory-oriented researches. Accordingly, this research suggests a Sustainable Business Process Management (SBPM) model that improves and visualizes the process, executes and controls the systems and participants, and monitors and sustains business process improvement of the construction companies.