Publications / 1987 Proceedings of the 4th ISARC, Haifa, Israel

Managerial and Social Problems of Robotization in the United States of America

Robert W. Dorsey
Pages 509-524 (1987 Proceedings of the 4th ISARC, Haifa, Israel, ISSN 2413-5844)

The historical cultural setting of construction is a fiercely competitive market place. The predominant volume of work is done by more than a million small, closely held, weakly capitalized companies. Layer of contracts and subcontracts effectively spread risks but also restrict the capital formation required for significant technical progress. The principal factor that will encourage robotics is the labor supply, which is dwindling in numbers and skill level. International competition, forcing improved productivity, will also promote robotics. Management is changing and taking on the flexibility necessary to adapt to artificial intelligence at opportune times.

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