Publications / 1989 Proceedings of the 6th ISARC, San Francisco, USA

A New Direction in Automating Construction

Brian Atkin, Peter Atkinson, Colin Bridgewater, Javier Ibanez-Guzman
Pages 119-126 (1989 Proceedings of the 6th ISARC, San Francisco, USA, ISSN 2413-5844)

The majority of work in the field of construction robotics has focused on the adaptation of existing industrial robots to automate traditional construction processes that use basic material. This paper introduces a new approach, that of construction based on a factory-produced ‘parts-set’ especially suited to a range of on-site purpose-designed robots, aimed at the provision of high-tech buildings. This approach is intended to deskill as much site-based work as possible as a counter-measure against the increasing shortage of skilled operatives and to reduce unit costs of production.

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