Publications / 1988 Proceedings of the 5th ISARC, Tokyo, Japan

Soffito: A Mobile Robot for Finishing Works in Buildings

Jean-Luc Salagnac, George Gallais, Eric Chevalaz
Pages 401-410 (1988 Proceedings of the 5th ISARC, Tokyo, Japan, ISSN 2413-5844)

Most of future construction robots are likely to be mobile robots. They will also manipulate tools to perform various tasks. The coordination of the mobile robot movements, of the handling of tools and products, of the task control will be executed by informatic systems that will probably be on-board systems. So as to get a clear idea of some of the problems related to the introduction of such robots on construction sites, the French institutional research center in the building field (CSTB) and roboticians (IIRIAM and AID) have managed together a research project that lead to the experiment of a mobile robot named SOFFITO. SOFFITO is the first mobile robot for construction operations in Europe. For experimental purposes, the painting of ceilings was the first task performed by SOFFITO. This project was sponsored by the French Ministry of Research and Ministry of Construction.

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