Publications / 1991 Proceedings of the 8th ISARC, Stuttgart, Germany
CIPRO* is knowledge based simulation system that enables its users to relate project design drawings and specifications to process networks and associated resources. Each process is defined in terms of actions, corresponding project components, availability and attributes of resources, a network of operations and queues and operation functions. CIPROS infers process precedence from user defined action dependencies. The CIPROS knowledge base contains process networks and operation functions corresponding to different construction techniques and methods. In addition to the knowledge base and a user interface, CIPROS includes a generic discrete-event simulator. Project simulation produces statistical reports for management review, instrumental to assessing the quality of a construction plan and identifying areas for improvement. The system thus augments construction plans with knowledge pertaining to the interaction and characteristics of construction resources and models the uncertainty inherent in construction operations. Integrating construction plans with resource information and probabilistic operation durations is key to building executable construction plans.