Expert Systems for Planning Robotic Excavation
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Abstract: We have demonstrated in our laboratory the rudimentary sensor-driven excavation of pipes buried at shallow depths. Our system integrates sonar range sensing, a surface depth map, segmentation of pipe searching, simple digging strategies, distributed computing and off-line simulation. Our hardware is a manipulator mounted to a backhoe and a vacuum ...
Abstract: The automatic determination of size and location of buried ferrous cylinders from magnetic observables are the focus of this work. Applications include mapping of reinforcement bars embedded in concrete and mapping of pipes buried in the ground. The problem requires an inverse solution to infer the attributes of an inclusion ...
Abstract: For breakthroughing difficulty of developing the building construction use robots, the author developed a modularization concept and methodology to cope with the complexity of the operations. In this paper the following issues are discussed. 1) Fundamental concept of robot modularization 2) Methodology to develop the modules 3) Structure and type of work modules 4) ...
Abstract: "Condition and deterioration surveys using state-of-the-art sensory techniques generate far more data than can be interpreted by conventional methods. As a result, powerful sensory techniques such as ground penetrating radar and infrared thermography have yet to realize their full potential in civil engineering and construction applications. This paper proposes a ...
Abstract: This paper introduces the concept of economic feasibility analysis for construction robotics using the examples of simple cleaning and maintenance tasks. A preliminary analysis of roboticized concrete form cleaning is performed. The Net Present Value of the contractors investment in such a robot is estimated. The authors believe that the ...