Publications / 2014 Proceedings of the 31st ISARC, Sydney, Australia
This paper aims to develop a mechanism for visualizing indoor environment data set sensed by diverse sensors. The focus of this research is the development of an integrated visualization process using accumulated data from sensors, rather than the qualitative analysis of indoor environment. In this regard, we use a test-purposed and versatile toolkit that is cheaper, smaller and more controllable than conventional tools. We could collect indoor environmental data set composed of sequential numeric data so as to use them as a given parameters for visualization. We inspected three major issues in the process: 1) indoor temperature data of a specific room can be collected at a second interval; 2) such a data set can be varied by subdivided spots of interest using multiple toolkits; 3) as a result, the collection of data is regarded as one type of parameters for visualization on top of the rooms floor plan, e.g. a sudden change of sequential numbers. The toolkit and control mechanism described in this paper can be summarized as following modules: 1) the sensor module; 2) the data collection module; 3) the data retrieval module; 4) the spatial data module; 5) the sensor location module; 6) the data visualization module. A demonstration has been introduced in this paper for evaluating the integrated visualization approach.