Publications / 2014 Proceedings of the 31st ISARC, Sydney, Australia
In recent years, the construction industry has been actively seeking for possible applications of Building Information Modeling (BIM), including the domain of building disaster-prevention management. BIM enables us to present a facility layout in threedimension (3D) and carry the disaster-prevention objects and information whereas the traditional approach can only be presented in two-dimension. Therefore, it could be possible to improve the traditional two-dimensional (2D) plane of building disaster-prevention management. By focusing on fire disaster, this study develops a BIM-based model to support disaster-prevention management. This model includes four modules: personnel safety evaluation, escape route planning, education and training, and equipment maintenance modules. The personnel safety evaluation module integrates BIM with a type of fire simulation software (Fire Dynamics Simulator), while the escape route planning module and safety education and training module help generate escape routes and emergency exits according to the 3D functions of BIM. The firefighting equipment maintenance module utilizes the information management ability provided by the BIM to demonstrate 3D location information and condition (maintenance records) of all fire equipment, to increase the quality of the safety education, and ensuring the all fire equipment are maintained in great condition. Above all, this proposed model is applied to a high-tech facility for testing its feasibility.