Publications / 2014 Proceedings of the 31st ISARC, Sydney, Australia
Hospitals consume large amounts of energy due to its operation characteristic. The HVAC system designed in hospital buildings runs 24 hours and has special air requirements. This study aims to evaluate the energy-saving efficiency of HVAC system by studying two Taiwans green hospital buildings. Results show 40% energy saving efficiency based on integrating VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) chiller, VAV (Variable Air Volume) system and VWV (Variable Water Volume) system for an existed hospital buildings. Verification shows eQUEST simulation results are within margin of error of 7% compared to actual electricity consumption. The new built hospital is evaluated based on appropriate parameter assumptions and life-cycle analysis (LCA). It is estimated to have 42% energy-saving efficiency based on the initial HVAC energy-saving design. Four cases are studied based on different chiller capacity designs, by implementing higher COP chillers, optimum option can save tremendous energy cost in a life-cycle basis. To sum up, this study demonstrates the integration of computer simulation and LCA in evaluating green hospital buildings, and the HVAC energy-saving performance for hospitals proposed in Taiwans green building policy is approximately 40%.