Publications / 2015 Proceedings of the 32nd ISARC, Oulu, Finland
The model based quality assurance method has been developed to replace traditional manually made quality measurements. The idea is to use the excava-tor's machine control system to document the accu-racy (height and width) of the road at the same time as the structure is completed. This new method has been used for quality assurance for cuttings, em-bankments and road layers mainly on road construc-tion sites. The aim of this pilot project was to prove the functionality of the model based quality control method also on a rail construction site, where quality requirements are stricter. The accuracy and reliabil-ity of the method was verified by making manual total station measurements. After the validity of the method was proven, it was fully taken over for quali-ty control in the Riippa-Eskola RU2 construction project. The usability of the Inframodel 3 format was also tested in a model based infra construction process.