Publications / 2014 Proceedings of the 31st ISARC, Sydney, Australia
Leveraging the advanced estimation and control algorithms for power systems have always been associated with the renewable energy sources, rational power generation, consumer stimulus, emission reduction, as well as economically viable objectives. The model predictive control (MPC) strategies, that employ an economic-related cost function for real-time control, has lately proved a numerically ef?cient approach to managing the portfolio of energy usage in various residential and industrial projects. They are designated as economic MPCs, whose main endeavour is to cope with regularly changing energy prices. Unlike the traditional MPCs, economic MPCs optimize the process operations in a time-varying fashion, rather than maintain the process variables around a few desired steady states. The process may thus totally operate in the transient state with economic MPCs. This paper provides a rigorous review on the developed and progressive economic MPCs, as a contribution to the ?eld while it is still in its infancy. In the second part of the paper, we brie?y show the potential of applying the quadratic dissipativity constraint, previously introduced, to the closed loop stability problem of an economic MPC problem.