Publications / 2017 Proceedings of the 34rd ISARC, Taipei, Taiwan

Towards Life Cycle Complete BIM

Sven Stumm, Elisa Lublasser, Ralf Becker, Jörg Blankenbach, Dirk Vallée, Linda Hildebrand, Sigrid Brell-Cokcan and Philipp Schwan
Pages 632-638 (2017 Proceedings of the 34rd ISARC, Taipei, Taiwan, ISBN 978-80-263-1371-7, ISSN 2413-5844)

The goal of Building Information Modelling (BIM) is the integral overarching digital modelling of all properties regarding a building as well as its construction. This is targeted through the integration and support of all involved experts. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of this task, the necessary data often only exists in a very fragmented and uncoordinated way throughout different departments. BIM tries to mediate between the different views of its users and allows for a coordinated accumulation of data, as well as synchronously keeping the planning status up to date. However, in most cases this available information is still not used throughout the complete lifecycle of the building. Clear gaps exist between the different phases of planning, construction as well as use and maintenance. Within this paper we aim to give an overview of possible BIM data, as well as its relevance for construction processes. This is especially considered from a process automation viewpoint, in order to identify the required interfaces as well as missing and irrelevant data for assembly processes within construction. Based on this a BIM informed design to production becomes possible. Primary goal is the development of strategies for the creation of BIM-aided planning processes that continue into actual fabrication and construction and are efficient in terms of time, energy and costs considering changing user demands and the resulting usage requirements. We address the lifecycle of a building using the concept of BIM. Therefore, we also consider the required information for future conversion and refurbishment of the building, in order to complete the lifecycle approach of BIM. Hence, we give a first brief overview of possible techniques for modelling preexisting buildings within BIM, as well as the required level of detail.

Keywords: BIM, automation, lifecycle, refurbishment, BIM to production